Storm before the calm

I know today I will try and control everything. To grasp all the ways that things could go wrong, mitigate them beforehand and go onto the next problem.  I will try and prepare every aspect of the morning intake so that I know exactly where everything is.
But I won’t. I won’t be able to. There is only so much time left.

And although I could have sat at home planning out more things, I am so grateful for a night with the triads quads. It has been a while since I was saturated in their combined slight insanity. Though perhaps I am really the only insane one and they simply love me enough to still sit there and watch. There are many things I wish we could have done. Talks, prayers and walking in the moonlight. But those would not be possible even in a full fledged sleepover. But I suppose I have a year with them.

And so begins the storm before it all leaves my hand.

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