the price of love is loss

but we pay anyway

Logically I should be sleeping but it happens to be one of those nights where I’m not all too worried about sleeping. A bit ironic seeing as my body is the most tired its been in a long time. Perhaps it’s because I have made several observations in the last few days and they are….interesting.
First is my growing stance on next year. I realize that whether or not I’m in formal executive leadership or not, I will be serving in some capacity in some way. It is almost actually part of my nature. How the Lord has led me through many years, teaching and showing me that His work is always so much more worth it and if I am to do anything, it should be to love His people. That isn’t quite new. But it is the capacity in which I may attempt to perform should I find myself here. I realize I really like the kind of thing Ken does. To aid leadership and help in their growth but not being the leader myself. At least for know, it seems that for the most of the last six years I have been serving, almost expected by people to fill that position. It has not been horrible per say or in any way detrimental. They have been blessings. But maybe for next year…I would like for once to simply see and guide from behind. Probably one of the most joyful things is seeing someone else lead a ministry with passion. Still, much of next year is up in the air so yea….

I now have a newfound respect for ballerinas. I do not know how they are alive. I barely made it through that lesson without cramping. I have a slight worry for how I will feel tomorrow morn.

Innertube water polo is a ridiculous sport.

I finished “the fault in our stars”. Within a day.  Probably not my most enlightened choice but it was a bit too intriguing to put down for long. Such a witty book with random profound quips just embedded. Things like “you don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you”. Part of me wishes that if I simply read enough of his works I would be able to write so beautifully. But the truth is that is not the case. Simply observing somebody play a sport doesn’t make you good at it. But yes, quite an intriguing read.

And it was nice to see people wanted to pray at prayer meeting. You would think it intuitive but it has taken a lot of trial and error. Who knows where it’ll go from here.


Today I was faced again with the thesis crisis. One of the prominent but pushed back topics in the “am I back next year” conundrum. It is still very much a conundrum.

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