Trickles of the night

I haven’t posted in a really long time for a lot of reasons, the primary one being that I almost neglected all facets of life for this one thing that in the end, I did kind of wrong. 
But more than the silly OMSAS and all that came with it, God’s really been tugging on my heart these past couple days of how important a vision and purpose are for ministry of any sort. From talks with a mentor to pop in chats with a house mate to prayer meeting sharing. This recurring idea that some things are lacking vision and its actually so detrimental. Not only does it leave chaos in its midst but it leaves a sense of unfulfillment. As if there is no substance. But it is a good struggle and one I am praying God will give me eyes to see through. That’s been a constant prayer : give me eyes to hear and ears to hear.

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